Dental Checkup

A routine dental check-up involves a thorough examination of your teeth, gums and mouth can prevent minor problems from developing into major ones. We recommend six-monthly check-ups with your dentist at D32 The Dental Center, which will help keep your mouth safe when accompanied by a regular at-home routine.

Routine dental check-ups are vital because they allow the dentist to diagnose problems early and help you maintain good oral health.

A routine dental checkup now uses both modern technology and the up-to-the-minute knowledge and skills of the dentist, all in an environment that is virtually pain-free.

Dental Checkup Process

(i) Teeth – Examined for decay, faulty fillings, cracks and wear.

(ii) Gums – To ensure that they are healthy. Bleeding gums are signs of gum disease.

(iii) Mouth – Bones, cheeks, tongue, palate and other parts of the mouth and face will be examined for any signs of diseases.

What happens after the check-up?

After the examination, we at D32 The Dental Centre will discuss any treatment recommendations, covering everything from tooth brushing techniques to your diet and nutrition.

In addition to regular brushing and flossing of your teeth, routine, twice-a-year dental check-ups are important as the mouth is a portal to the rest of your body and good oral hygiene leads to good overall health.

A healthy smile starts here!

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